The “Toonen to Dillon” podcast is an ongoing tale of two long lost brothers reconnected in Green Bay Wisconsin. The older brother, Will Toonen, a native of Green Bay. Former college football player, filled with midwestern values, a great story teller, and water sports expert. The younger, more handsome brother is the one who is writing this biography! AJ Dillon, from the east coast used to bigger city life, fell in love with what Wisconsin had to offer. The holder of the key to Door county, avid card collector, above average gamer, and NFL running back. 

Listen and watch on all platforms as the two brothers talk about everything from sports to aliens, from bar games to home improvement. 

Follow along on social media (ToonentoDillon) as they take the podcast mobile on adventures, build a studio, and are joined by amazing special guests.


Guest List

Charlie Berens (Comedian) - EP 5 

Allen Lazard (NFL Wide Receiver) - EP 7

Jason Tartick (Entrepreneur) - EP 9

Rob Gough (Entrepreneur) - EP 12

 Noah Fant (NFL Tight End- EP 13

Doug Gottlieb (UWGB MBB Head Coach & Sports Analyst) - EP 15

Sam Hauser (NBA Player & 2024 NBA Champion) - EP 16

Keifer Sykes (Pro Basketball Player) - EP 17

Tom Povinelli (NFL Agent) - EP 18

Emanuel Wilson (NFL Running Back) - EP 20 & 30

Carrington Valentine (NFL Devensive Back) - EP 20

Christian Yelich (MLB All Star) - EP 21

Tucker Kraft (NFL Tight End) - EP 23

Bob Menery (Comedian) - EP 25

Dan Whelan (NFL Punter) - EP 29